The Underground Cinema is Back!
After unprecedented flooding in March caused us to postpone our Underground Cinema series, we’re thrilled to be returning to this fantastic venue for a weekend of fantasy and cult classics.
UPDATE: Our events at The Planetarium at We The Curious
An update on the impact of the recent fire at We The Curious
The Screening Room Series is moving!
Our Screening Room series is returning this Autumn at an exciting new venue!
NEW EVENT: An Audience with Christopher Eccleston
We’re delighted to start our March 2022 season with our very special guest, Christopher Eccleston.
An Update From Bristol Film Festival
An update from the Bristol Film Festival Team, one year on from the start of lockdown
Eight Classic Films to rediscover this Valentine's Day
You either love it or loathe it - either way, there’s no escaping it. Take a look at our top film picks for a Valentine’s movie night - whatever your mood!